Archive for Blog

RATGF – The Premiere Episode

Rick and Tink are joined once again by their old sidekick and friend Matt.  There’s a lot of stuff going on here and we talk a long time about how much we all liked Logan.  Spoilers inside we totally spoil who dies in the best way possible.


All work and no play!

Unfortunately due to our insane schedules at the moment the podcast is once again being put on hold.

Sorry friends.

RATGF – Bronies

Tink has a special friend move in with him after Comic Con. He joins us for the podcast and things get really weird.



RATGF – We are Fighters

Ricky and Tink talk about fighting.  Tink tells a story about how he almost fought a guy a couple days ago, and Ricky is uncontrollably emotional because of Channing Tatum.



Thick Tread – From the Neck Up

Remember those crazy kids from the RATGF episode Thick Tread?  Well their CD is now available for purchase, do yourselves a favor and buy it!

You can get it here.


Help the show! Donate today!

Listeners of Ricky and Tink Got Friends.  We will be doing our first web video when we reach $100.00 worth of donations, (before PayPal takes their cut), and when we do Tink will do something on said video of your choosing.

This can be anything, legal in the state of Texas, from eating something very hot.  To making out with an old woman for one minute.  The best part is we will take the feedback from YOU.  The best submission is getting picked, so please be as creative as possible.

Our goal with this first bit of money is to be able to create some sort of merchandise, inspired by our silly minds for everyone to enjoy.

Leave us some feedback here, Facebook, or Twitter.  Keep an eye out for episode 12, because it is coming reaaaaal soon.


Support the show, put up a flyer!

Greetings fellow hooligans, and any of Tink’s Asian family that happens to have found this.  If you want to support the show we have a handy dandy little flyer that you can print, and put up all around the world!  We are officially going global.

Simply take this image, and print it.  (here)

Then go to your favorite spots, and put it up on the wall.  Don’t even ask permission just do it.  (although you should probably ask)

Also please rate/review the show on iTunes and Stitcher so we can climb the proverbial charts.

For every flyer that you put up, and tweet us a pic of Tink will send a picture of his dick to you, dressed as your favorite Pokemon.

Again thanks for the feedback we are having a blast and have some pretty funny stuff planned for future episodes.



A Quick Thanks

Wow.  Just wow.  Thank you all so much for the great feedback.  We are planning on recording the next episode 9/15 – our guest still TBD.

I didn’t think many people would be interested in a little podcast out of San Angelo, Texas.  Looks like I may be very wrong.

I am completely blown away by the support and the compliments.  Next episode I will take the time to master the sound a bit more in post, so hopefully things sound much better.

On behalf of Tink and myself, you have our most sincere thanks.
